Moms, a gift from above

Honouring moms everywhere...

A mother’s love for each child is unique. She knows when to act and when to hold back; when to guide and when to let go; when to remind and persuade or when to keep silent and pray.

My mother is a gift from above.

I learned to love housework because I saw how she joyfully cared for us through her daily work of homemaking.

I learned to live in truth because I saw how she fearlessly protected all that is true.

I learned to keep learning because I saw how she never stopped growing.

I learned to love life and have fun because I saw how she was forever young.

I learned to get up and keep going because I saw how she never stopped hoping.

I learned to believe because I saw how she prayed and put her trust in the goodness of others.

I learned how to be free because I saw how she acted with wisdom, dignity, and respect.

Kelly M, SoFT Co-founder


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