SoFT aims to establish and strengthen connections among peoples by building relationships, finding common ground and rediscovering the wealth and value of our humanity.


SoFT is for individuals who want to explore and promote concepts and practices that respect the dignity of the human person. It is open to anyone who acknowledges the idea that every human person, regardless of race, sex, culture, belief, or social standing, has intrinsic value and possesses rights that must be protected. It offers opportunities for re-examining how human dignity is supported and honoured in our everyday life.

Our mission

We strive to enhance our understanding of individual rights so we can make them guiding principles for participation in social, cultural and political life for the flourishing of all peoples and communities.

Our vision

We envision a society that strives to recognize the value of persons at any stage in their life and promote the basic rights of individuals within their historical and cultural context.